Stock recruitment data of A. salmon over 13 rivers
A dataset containing the stock and recruitment of A. salmon over 13 european rivers. As well as the latitude and name of the different site and new latitude to perform predictions.
A named list:
- n_riv
The number of rivers
- name_riv
The name of the rivers
- country_riv
The country of the rivers
- area
The riverine wetted area accessible to salmon in squared meters
- n_obs
The number of observations for each river
- n
The total number of observations
- riv
The river membership of each observation
- S
Stock data of length n
- R
Recruitment data of length n
- lat
Latitude of each river site
- n_pred
Number of predictions
- lat_pred
Latitude used for predictions
Prévost, E., Parent, E., Crozier, W., Davidson, I., Dumas, J., Gudbergsson, G., ... & Sættem, L. M. (2003). Setting biological reference points for Atlantic salmon stocks: transfer of information from data-rich to sparse-data situations by Bayesian hierarchical modelling. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60(6), 1177-1193.