Extract the best partition from the list of model given by the functions clusterize_networks()
or clusterize_bipartite_networks()
Extract the best partition from the list of model given by the functions
or clusterize_bipartite_networks()
- l
A list of models obtained from the function
- unnest
A boolean specifying if the returned object should be un-nested (and thus loose exploration clustering structure) or not. Default to TRUE.
#' # Trivial example with Gnp networks:
Net <- lapply(
list(.7, .7, .2, .2),
function(p) {
A <- matrix(0, 15, 15)
A[lower.tri(A)][sample(15 * 14 / 2, size = round(p * 15 * 14 / 2))] <- 1
A <- A + t(A)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
cl <- clusterize_networks(Net,
colsbm_model = "iid",
directed = FALSE,
distribution = "bernoulli",
nb_run = 1
best_partition <- extract_best_partition(cl)
} # }